Constant thought of you

..And do me a favor?


Dream about me tonight, okay?

….Every night since we’ve been apart, I have dreamt about you.

Your kisses, your hugs, your petite hands on my face.

Your body pressed up against mine.

Your breath on my chest as you fell asleep on top of me.

Your heart beating faster and faster every time we would hear a noise around the house.

Your giggle when my beard would tickle your skin as I kissed you.

Your little whines when It came to the times I had to go.

Your perfume

I can still smell it in my dreams every night baby.

And I still remember your enthusiastic smile every time you saw me walk through the door.  

Your laughter when I would mess with you, every chance I had gotten.

Your red face that you failed to hide every time you caught me looking at you.

The way you would smile and look away shyly…made my heart melt.

The faces you would make as I would secretly watch you getting ready through the bathroom mirror,

hoping that no one would notice me watching.

The way we used to both stand in the mirror together, getting ready,

I’m still shocked at how comfortable you made me feel so quickly.

The way you used to watch me through your glasses, thinking I wouldn’t notice your hot eyes on my body.

Baby I could go on and on about you forever…because not only are you on my mind all day.

Your in my dreams every night.


This poem was inspired by many different things, a novel I had been reading called a message in a bottle, some old writings in my journal, and some deep memories, moments I’ve had. The thought and the experience of having to love secretly is honestly so hard but such an amazing experience. The thrill you get in it is just something I cant explain at the moment, maybe one day that will be a future post. Other than that this poem really talks about a long distance relationship and some of the struggles in it. The pain of missing your other one and the memories that you have to hold onto. Those types of memories I have written are the ones that are able to keep one going, along with many other factors of course. Its hard, something some people wouldn’t understand but its a good inspiration to write about.






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