She is a dreamer ~ Joyce Steiner

She is a dreamer, carrying big plans on her back. A young girl who is steadfast, feet planted firm on the earth. She idolizes her grandmother. Envies to be the same women with identical strength and resilience. She thinks bigger, wants to travel further. A university degree for teaching, so she can help others. She…

Finding hope through what was lost in the past.

Searching for something that may never be known, mental disturbance turns a heart back to stone. Create memories alone in your head, holding you hostage as you lie in your bed. Fits of despair have blinded your sight, awaken to find you are losing the fight. Rays of sunlight lead the way, hurts from the…

A is for Airport

Did A for airport but did the assignment for beauty salon. The airport is the one place where you are guaranteed to meet some interesting people, all types of individuals, all types of groups.  You have those who are the business class travelers, dressed up in suit and ties 24/7. carrying suspiciously smaller amounts of…

B is for Bus

Walking onto the bus at the end of a long school day feels like a overwhelming task as well as it being the most satisfying thing to be doing in that moment. Walking by the grade nines who some pretend to still be engaged in their conversations but are watching you with judging side eyes, and…

G is for Gurdwara

Did G for Gurdwara instead of garage but the assignment under T for temple.   Praying, religious beliefs, values, and ways of worship are all found in different forms all across the world for every religion. I proudly am a Sikh (Punjabi) and we all go to the temple known as the Gurdwara. The most…


Why do you beat yourself up? When you had the courage to love, gave all of yourself in hopes that he was the one?   Why do you beat yourself up? When it was his choice to be unfaithful, his choice to hurt you?   Why do you beat yourself up? Knowing that you had…

Travelling to Paris, France (Feature article)

Paris is the capital of France and is known for its museums, architectural landmarks and romance. Paris is an exquisite city, as it is the world’s most visited city, it offers something for everyone. It’s been described as the ‘The city of lights’, ‘city of romance’, ‘city of love’ and many more cliches have been…

Constant thought of you

..And do me a favor? Anything. Dream about me tonight, okay? ….Every night since we’ve been apart, I have dreamt about you. Your kisses, your hugs, your petite hands on my face. Your body pressed up against mine. Your breath on my chest as you fell asleep on top of me. Your heart beating faster…

Night Drive : Anecdote

Spending time with family is one of the most important things to me, it doesn’t matter what we do, where we are, as long as i’m with the people I love, I can’t ask for anything more. The morning of the wedding was filled with hectic events done with the family, but as the evening…

He’s my hideaway..

  His arms became my favorite hideaway very quickly. Everyday just anticipating for the moment where the lights would be off, snores would be heard, and doors would be shut the moment of when we would meet, once again. Sometimes when no one was around he would pull me, hard, into his arm. Taking a…